Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How Teachers View Technology

By: Linda Star @2003 (Education World)

This article talks about a study correlating teacher training, years of service, and technology use. I reviewed the numbers and data given. Here are a few items I felt were interesting and my opinion:
1. Most teachers believe computer technology translates into higher achievement and improved parent/teacher communication.
*opinion: We are in a technology driven society and our students are excited to get on the Internet. I believe this is why student may be achieving higher. The Internet is a great tool for parent communication. Sometimes it is hard to reach a parent by phone. By emailing, the teacher can send a message at his/her own convince and the parent can respond when he/she gets a chance.

2. The article mentioned training being the key to increased technological use.
*opinion: I agree. Learning needs to be meaningful no matter now the material is presented. Teachers need to integrate appropriate technology lessons for student learning to take place. To create technology lessons, training needs to be involved.

3. I love the last comment in the article: Teachers would love software to be adaptable to individual student needs. I hope the future brings adaptable software.

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